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Emily's Story: Haringey foster care guide


Commissioned by Haringey Council, this animation has been created to prepare and reassure young people going into foster care, explaining the process and people involved.

Aspire (Haringey's Children in Care Council) were on hand as our expert consultants, steering Exposure in the right direction and ensuring the film was able to strike the right tone.

The guide explores life in foster care, what a foster carer actually does, the role of adult professionals providing additional support, entitlements, education and preparing for the future.

Emily’s Story will be made available to all looked-after young people in Haringey. While sensitive to the feelings of the intended audience and mindful of the need to get vital information across, the film was injected with humour, sound effects and music to help lighten the mood.

© 2023 by BINK. Publishers. Proudly created with

Children and young people in social care, and those who have left, are often subject to stigmatisation and discrimination. Being stigmatised and discriminated against can impact negatively on mental health and wellbeing not only during the care experience but often for many years after too. The project aims to contribute towards changing community attitudes towards care experienced people as a group.


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Website set up with support from The Welland Trust 

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