Television Shows
Lupin is a French mystery thriller starring Omar Sy in the role of Assane Diop, a man inspired by the adventures of the Gentleman Burglar, Arsène Lupin, a character created by Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) in the early 1900s. Assane Diop was orphaned at about age 14 when his father died in prison. Assane, 25 years later, is seeking revenge for the framing of his father as a thief.
In Part 3 of Lupin (Netflix), we learn more about Assane Diop’s backstory.
Through flashbacks played by Mamadou Haidara) we discover he was mentored by boxing coach Jean-Luc Keller. It is Assane’s friend, Bruno, who introduces Assane to Keller; Bruno and his sister officially have Keller as their guardian.
Keller’s motives—while ostensibly caring—are to recruit children to steal for him.