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Michael Maclear


Michael Maclear (1929 – December 25, 2018) was an award-winning Anglo-Canadian journalist, documentary filmmaker, and former correspondent for various CBC programs and for CTV's W5. He is the great-great-grand-nephew of South African astronomer Sir Thomas Maclear.Born in London, and according to his daughter, Kyo Maclear, Michael Maclear was abandoned by his parents to a foster home. He began work at age 14, as a copy boy on Fleet Street and from there he became a reporter for the Chicago Tribune in their London office. In 1954, Maclear migrated to Canada and began work with the Canadian Broadcasting Commission in 1955. Michael Maclear made his first documentary, a 26 part series, Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day Way which first aired in 1980, in response to his time in Vietnam.

In 2013, Michael Maclear was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Canadian Journalism Foundation.

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